A new Datashock LP be recorded this weekend in Darmstadt in the Oetinger Villa with our beloved friend Jan Stütz... never change a winning horse.. or somehting like that... so check this blog or facebook this weekend, maybe you find some videos or pics from the recording session!
After the weekend i will travel to Würzburg to play a Elfenbeinturm Show.
First time as a trio with my bro and son Alex...
Time is Running Bitches! Looks like the year is over..
so here are the Mddm Headquarter Charts 2011 curated by LL Cool P & Baba Ignatz.
Big Troubles - Romantic Comedy - Slumberland Records
Alien Radio / Keith Fullerton Whitman - Split Lp - Dekorder
Boomarm Nation - Music for Saharan Cellphones Remix - Web
Heatsick - Dream Tennis - CockTail D'amore Music
Zomby - Dedication...
Elfenbeinturm Presents a Modern Lifestyle Night:
17.01.12 w/ The KVB Würzburg @ Cairo
Elfenbeinturm this time as trio! We try to beam you our regular Mddm Headuarter Tuesday
"Modern Lifestyle Night" to Würzburg into the Cairo.
Everything can happen!
Bring some Pizza, Dope ,Icetea & Snacks!
10.02.12. Osnabrück @ Salon
Auch wenn wir wohl wo anders übersehen werden... unsere neuen buddies von Diskursschleuder.de (wie schonmal erwähnt ein neuer blog vom Intro Magazin für die hotten experimentellen sachen) haben uns in ihre endjahrescharts genommen. Danke! Und dann auch noch vor Ducktails, Oneohtrix Poin Never, Sun Arraw, Peaking Lights, Ford & Lopatin.. etc wir sind bereit für ein Erotikshooting, ihr müsst...
Our french brother in crime Gaël Moissonnier just released a split cdr with
Flamingo Creatures aka Ronnie and Ruth of Datashock.
order and hear the album on http://zerojardins.bandcamp.com/album/split-cdr