Maximilian Spiegel! He needed just a few minutes to send it in! Congrats! so lets check his submission:
Michael Rommelfanger also submited something...
he wins a one night stand with ll cool p aka baba ignatz in 2 weeks in cologne!
We have a new homepage and celebrate it with a contest!
Find 4 people who are on the "Pyramiden von Gießen" Lp + another famous krautrock guy and you win a Datashock shirt & poster!
put red circles arround the people who we search
name them on the pic
send the pic to info (at) datashock (dot) de
only the first one gets the prize!
click for full pic
Our Boys from Pretty Lightning are on the plane to Finland to play the FLOW Festival in Helsinki and kick Kanye West Ass.
And it is official! Fonal Records will Release their upcoming Album "There are witches in the woods" check out another exclusive track:
Fonal Records will be releasing a record by Pretty Lightning in early 2012. Here's a little sampler for your ears from this great psychdelic german...