we are just on place 4.... pah.... so go to Altered Zones and click "like it" under the music player!
ps: this is so funny that we we make some "please vote for us" post haha
looks like we are a real idiots.. but we are.. we just wanna sell records and wanna be famous like fleetwood mac
the picture was made in brighton after the first datashock II gig as full pop band in brighton 2009 outside...
Download this nice mixtape from the Soundmirrors blog with Stellar Om Source, Peaking Lights, Jonas Reinhardt and ... and a band called Datashock... and more.. ;)
Our sexy Brothers from Pretty Lightning will play the Flow Festival in Helsinki, Finland with great Acts like:
Avarus, Ariel Pinks Haunted Graffitti, Battles, Bridget Hayden, Dolphins into Future, El Guincho, Ignatz, Kemialliset Ystävät.....
and some unknown newcomers like Kanye West, Empire of the Sun, Hercules & the Love Afair, Mogwai, Aloe Blac, The Human League bla bla....
Check out the festival...