Julian Cope reviewed our new Datashock Record"Pyramiden von Gießen" on his website.
Oo what’s this be-gatefolded Kraut-outing I see before me emblazoned with manicdotes and universe of seemingly some other lost time, its colossal sonic ooze ritualizing our cranials and Dynorodding our deepest secret fears, then? Hell, it’s PYRAMIDEN VON GEIßEN, the fucking brand new German double-vinyl epic...
So our Opus Magnum is now finally out on Dekorder!
if anybody is writing reviews for blog, magazines or your mother and wanna review our new record:
just get in touch and we send you some stuff!
check out marcs new stuff!
EN/OF 041: Mike Kelley / Black to Comm.
EN/OF 041 will contain an amazing photograph by Mike Kelleyand a fantastic new LP by Black to Comm, the title of which is “Coldplay, Elvis & John Cage“. I can’t think of a better way to come back from a long hibernation then with this beauty...
more stuff here: