next friday! aka one day before our release party...
ronnie oliver, ruth-maria, jan stütz adam and me, myself and i playing in the baking band..
some other people also...
usuallly we don't do this.. but here is a short commercial break for the ventil verlag..
there is a new book with collected works by our friend martin büsser who sadly died last year...
Martin Büsser: Music is my Boyfriend
Texte 1990–2010
»Music is my Boyfriend« versammelt ausgewählte Texte Martin Büssers aus den letzten 20 Jahren, journalistische, essayistische und literarische. Der Band...
2 more shows for the leather boots crew!
30.04. Datashock & Zs @ Cafe DOM, Karlsruhe
14.05. Dekorder Night: Datashock & Stephan Mathieu & Black To Comm @ Sparte 4, Saarbrücken
(record releaseparty of Stephan Mathieus and Datashocks new vinyls on dekorder)